
Showing posts from October, 2018


1) What example is provided of why visual iconographies are so important? The example given to provide the info as to why visual iconographies are so important is a broadsheet newspaper and codes and conventions. 2) What examples are provided of the importance of narrative in identifying genre? The aspects of a text which the audience recognises  as the characteristics of a genre are Generic codes and conventions. There are specific elements within the genre that are shared that straight away makes the audience certain to recognise  a western. 3) What is the difference between character representation in action movies and disaster movies? Certain stereotypes are generally linked to different to specific genres. For instance the lone wolf hero is a convention of an action text. The lone wolf hero tends to be outside of a supportive group and act on his own without having anyone to weigh him down, he works by himself to fight against the villains or stop whatever ...